Our pillar is based on a humanist philosophy, focused on people's values and strength.
We trust in the human being's potential and in his will and ability to develop, as he is the origin and the end of all of society's actions.
At Atvos, we believe that people are transformation agents.
Each member needs to be aware that every action serves as an example.
So they must be consistent with what we value.
Acting with ethics, integrity and transparency, creates respect and trust.
• Ethics make us act correctly.
• Integrity, through attitudes and behavior, reflects the character of each individual.
• With transparency, we operate in an open, honest and clear manner, consolidating sustainable and long-term relationships.
It’s a fundamental role of the leader to identify, integrate, develop, evaluate, promote and recognize people.
Our authentic leader is an educator, committed to the pedagogy of presence, offering their time, experience and example constantly.
Through example and the coherence of their attitudes, they stimulate the professional, personal and economic development of people, acting on and influencing the formulation of the business strategy.
It is the non-delegable role of the Leader to integrate the people on their team. Dialogue and guide their followers continuously in the search for what is right.
We believe that diversity contributes to productivity, by adding complementary opinions and experiences in our work environment, reflecting what our society is.
All of our members have the same opportunities to develop and improve their skills. Therefore, it’s essential to recognize individual differences, eliminating or minimizing any barriers.
O Programa de Ação é elaborado mutuamente entre o líder
e liderado com todo os desafios e etapas de cada ciclo.
A prática sistemática e disciplinada do ciclo do PA
(Programa de Ação) fortalece a comunicação entre Líder e
Liderado/a, promove a transparência sobre o papel de cada
um no atingimento e superação dos resultados esperados e a
sinergia entre as áreas
For us, the health of our members is a priority issue.
We trust that well-being is complete when there is health, a basic condition for the member to be able to have pleasure at work and feel productive in the other dimensions of life.
Sustainability is in everything we do, in a comprehensive way and in all its forms!
• We use natural resources consciously, controlling impacts and avoiding waste;
• With clean technologies, we control risks, both in the workplace and in communities;
• In addition to delivering useful products to society, we also contributed to the development.
X We encourage our Members to have awareness and discipline to plan the transition of their careers to the maturity stage.
We identify and develop people with a vision of the future, who share the dream of making a difference, being relevant and impacting their partners and teams.
Our future is a consequence of:
• Opportunities we have identified;
• Choices we make;
• People we recognize and develop;
• Willingness and ability to make our dreams come true.
For us, a career is a succession of successful challenges.
More than looking for promotions and merits, it’s important to consider learning opportunities, experiences and the possibility of
making a difference.
Responsibility for everyone’s lives, inside and outside our company.
It is up to each of us to:
• Learn and practice the guidelines and safety requirements of your work environment;
• Identify, evaluate and take measures to combat safety risks;
• Stop any work or action that seems unsafe;
• Make sure that everyone is wearing personal protective equipment.